Products Database Management

The Product ID must be unique for each item.  The description entered into the description field will be output as the confirmation when this item is ordered.  We recommend that the description be short, that it be plural and that it clearly refer to the item to which the product ID is assigned on your catalog page.   The message field is designed primarily for suggestive selling.  You may want to use the message box to "suggest" a complimentary item.  You can enter html code, including links and bookmark links so that the customer can follow your suggestion directly to the recommended item. 
Product ID and price are required for each product offered for purchase.
Product ID: Price:
The description and message fields are used in the StoreFront confirmation bot that appears when this item is added to the customer order.  Note:  the description field is also a search field in the StoreFront search utility.
The link and image path fields are used for the search output page.  The image path may be used for displaying a thumbnail image if desired.  If no image path is specified then the Product ID will be displayed.  If you wish to link an image or Product ID to a product page then the link field is used to create a path to the desired page. 
Image Path
The category and manufacturer fields are used by the StoreFront search engine.  The weight field is unsupported at this time but will be used for future weight and zone based shipping cost routines.




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