October 13, 2001
World Trade Center Tragedy Support
The Kiwanis Club members collected donations to help suppport
the children of victims of the World Trade Center tragedy
on September 11th. Donations were collected outside the post
office and at the high school football game. Our thanks to
all who donated.
February 10, 2001
Pasta and Performance
The Kiwanis Club held a Pasta and Performance Dinner. The
club cooked pasta, the Key Club served, and the Upper Elementary
School Band performed for parents, family members, and guests.
Proceeds from the evening were donated to the band for new

December 9, 2000
Clothing and Household Items Drive for Apostles' House
in Newark
Annually for the past 12 years the club has collected clothing,
non-perishable food items, and toys for those less fortunate
than we are. This year, the collection was expanded to household
items, furniture, and any other items that would be helpful
to those moving into a new home.
The day was a huge success. Truckfuls of goods were collected
and donated to Apostle's House. These items will find their
way to those in need. The day was so successful, that we are
considering expanding the collection to twice per year. Thanks
to those who assisted in the collection and especially
to our generous neighbors who contributed.
